Monday, April 23, 2012

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

7. Looking back at my preliminary task and the progression towards the final product I feel that I have learnt and understood the codes and conventions of a magazine more so the in the preliminary task, and in particular understood the codes and conventions of a music magazine. I have also learnt the importance of using appropriate photography for the topic at hand.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

6.I have learnt more about In Design and how to use it more efficiently and how to achieve the desired product. Some of the skills for In Design were translated from skills I had learnt in Photoshop, Which was used to edit and alter all the photography and images before being they were placed on the product. This was done as it is easier and more effect to manipulate photos in Photoshop as that is the purpose for its design. This is opposed to In Design with is designed with creating publications in mind.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

5.I attracted my audience with big bold lettering for the Mast head and sub headers, to draw the reads in. Serif fonts were used on the larger texts as it added to the look of the magazine and was readable, however for the smaller text and main article its self a sans Seri font was used to make it readable. I also used a key image of one of the band members pointing to the camera, this gives the illusion that he is actually pointing directly at the audience. This lures the reader towards the magazine

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

4. The audience for my media product would be teenagers and young adults, 15-25 years of age.  This is the same age range that the music its self would target. This includes those in education and work giving a wide range audience, I asked a few of them what they thought of the product and this is what they said:

With the help of wordle I was able to compile the words that were said the most into a neat format

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This answer to this question can be found on the following Prezi presentation

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

2. My media product represents Music fans and in particular metal core music fans.  It represents them as party going people not drunk and disorderly members of society.  Clothing that is almost stereotypical of metal core fans were worn by my models so that they fit the genre.  This also gives a more genuine feel to the representation of fans of the metal core genre. 

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. My media protect “Iron core” conforms to the conventions of a modern music magazine and in particular the conventions of a Metal/Rock magazine.  The colour scheme was kept dark opposed to bright and colourful to reflect the dark and almost sinister nature metal core music has received. I have also kept an unorganized look to the magazine which tries to bring out the wild nature of the music. This is used in other metal and rock magazines such as “Kerrang”. However it also follows more general conventions less specific to the Genre of Metal core. These include the Mast head being large and bold and occupying the very top of the product. Logos as well as date and issue numbers are also conventional of most magazines. The barcode is all most always down in the bottom right hand corner of any music magazine, it is either horizontal or vertical according the preference of the designer.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Resarch for G321 Final production

Here is some of my resarch for the final production starting with the codes and conventions of magazines in general.

I then followed this resarch up with looking at the conventions of diffrent genre's of magazin: